Christmas 2013 – part 1

I am finally getting around to blogging Christmas! We had a jam packed and fun filled week in Cincinnati, however before heading north – Santa did make a little visit to Drew in Nashville. 



We spent a few days leading up to Christmas at Drew’s Grammy and Grandpa’s house. We spent Christmas and a few days after at his Mimi and Papa’s house. First we went to the Festival of Lights at the Zoo. I haven’t been to the Cincinnati Zoo in years and glad we stuck out the ridiculous 2 hour traffic jam to get in. 20140111-092218.jpg


We also went to the Museum Center for the train display. Drew wasn’t that interested in the trains but he sure did enjoy this string of tinsel.


We celebrated a little early with Michael and Liz before they headed to Providence, RI.20140111-094502.jpg

Christmas Eve. This is post mass (he was an absolute angel and didn’t make a peep) but pre dinner – meltdown mania here but he still manages to be adorable. Mostar of the pictures I took he was throwing some sort of fit. He was not happy that he wasn’t allowed to play on the stairs this night. 20140111-094526.jpg


Give him a phone (or remote) and he’s a happy guy. 

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This was the extent of our attempt at getting a family picture. Not so much this year. 20140111-094828.jpg

Grandpa was the lucky one who managed to get in a picture with a happy Drew.


Merry Christmas!



We had a great few days at the Greulichs. Christmas morning we exchanged gifts and then left for the Oberrecht house.