1 year!

1 year! Wooo hooooooo!!!!! We made it! I already posted my sappy thoughts regarding Drew turning one, so I won’t rehash that again (although it is very hard not to feel a little sad that he is no longer a baby). Without a doubt, the theme of this past month was Drew being busy busy busy and just constantly on the go.


Look who crept up into the 55 percentile for height! Atta boy Drew!

  Weight % Height % Head Circ %
6 days 5lbs 4oz 2 18.75 in 9 33cm 6
2 weeks 6lbs 2oz 3 19.5 in 11 34cm 7
6 weeks 8lbs 10oz 6 20.75 in 2 37.5cm 13
2 months 10lbs 2oz 14 22.25 in 19 38cm 11
4 months 13lbs 9oz 16 24.75 in 34 41cm 12
6 months 15lbs 13oz 22 26 in 37 43 cm 30
9 months 18lbs 2oz 23 27.75 in 25 44.5cm 34
12 months 20lbs 28 30 in 55 45.5cm 32


Current favorites:

  • Food: blueberries and cheese. Surprisingly peas are pretty high up on the list too.
  • Toy: Stacking cups (pre 1 year birthday party)
  • Book: The Cat in the Hat, Brown Bear Brown Bear and Fox in Socks.
  • Word: Uh Oh and Dada
  • Activity: crawling to anything plugged into an outlet, dropping things behind the dresser and saying ‘Uh Oh’.


Personality: Last month I commented that Drew is typically mild mannered, but that he does have a temper. This is definitely still the case, however I think I have finally figured him out. When he’s overly tired or hungry – stay out of his way…or just get him food or a crib fast. Overall Drew is a very happy little guy. He absolutely loves using his voice and many times I’m sure our next door neighbors can hear his happy screams/screeches.


Eating: Gosh, I hate to say this but in just the last few days, Drew’s eating habits seem to be changing a bit. All of the sudden he is refusing to eat his oatmeal (the same oatmeal he has eaten every morning for the last 7 months) in the mornings. Then tonight, he threw a fit over food that I know he loves. We have so many friends who have said their kids became pickier at this age. We are really hoping to avoid the picky stage. So far he is still doing great with all of his daycare lunches though. And speaking of daycare….

Daycare update: I am loving the Gardner School and Drew is as well. It was a great move. Oh and as I mentioned above, Drew does awesome (most days) napping here. Anyone who has kept up with these updates knows that this was a huge issue in the last daycare and most days he’d come home exhausted since he wouldn’t sleep (ahem, or they wouldn’t put him in the crib for longer than 5 minutes to let him go to sleep). He is transitioning in a few weeks to the toddler room which means meals at a table, sippy cup only and napping on his cot from 12-2p. Wish him luck. 😉



  • Crawling – he really put it all together right after he hit 11 months. He’s a maniac now and all over the place.
  • Pulling up to a stand – he was going to his knees for a while, but he’s up on his feet now
  • Steps: Not really a milestone but more of a story. We have zero steps in our house and so he’s really never even been exposed to steps while mobile. We visited some friends of ours who do have stairs and he flew up them as easily as he crawls on the ground. Tim and I were both shocked/impressed.

No, I don’t usually let him run around in a diaper. This was after his final “chair” picture. He wasn’t thrilled with having to take the pictures so I made a deal with him that he could run free afterwards.



We had an awesome weekend celebrating Drew’s first birthday which happened to fall on Friday the 13th (maybe they’ll all be lucky for him!). This gift arrived on his birthday all the way from San Francisco. He was excited to open it.




Even though his party was on Saturday, we all agreed he needed to have a little cake on his actual birthday. He just wasn’t feeling it. 20130921-123203.jpg

After a quick bath, he perked up with a couple of birthday presents. 20130921-123212.jpg

I did a miserable job taking pictures of his party but I’ll post what I do have soon in a seperate post. Lesson learned that I should have given someone my camera and assigned picture taking duties. Oops.




Eleven months!

We celebrated Drew’s first Easter in Cincinnati with the Greulich and Oberrecht families. We all had a great day.

Family picture after church

20130403-212801.jpgI have to admit, this is a “Larissa” expression










20130403-213642.jpgPracticing some rolling



20130403-214257.jpgDrew says: “No more pictures please.”
After church, brunch and family time – we left for Mimi and PaPa’s house.


20130403-215716.jpgCute cousins




20130403-220113.jpgQuick, yet much needed catnap on a busy day.

20130403-220330.jpgOpening Day 2013!


20130406-103230.jpgBest pictures we were able to get. It was cold outside!

20130406-103353.jpgDrew spent his first Opening Day watching the game on TV with Mom Mom.



20130406-103611.jpgIt turned out to be an absolutely beautiful day all the way to the 7th inning. And then….it was downright COLD.

20130406-103849.jpg“I skipped my naps for this?” Reds lose in 13 innings.

st a littl

11 months old today! Seriously – I swear I just had this little guy and here I am planning his first birthday party. Wow. Someone told me once – the days are long but the weeks are short. This felt so true back in my maternity leave days. Now the days, weeks, weekends, months…all of it seems short short short. But – we’re having fun and enjoying every day. 20130812-163611.jpg

Personality: Sweet sweet Drew. Here’s our “mild mannered” baby below. Many people have commented that he’s so calm and good natured, and he is…most of the time, but oh boy, he definitely does have a temper. The fun thing about his tantrums are that they can be turned into giggle fits in seconds. His new teachers today also commented on his “serious” or “stoic” face. Yep, he still turns into Mr. Serious when he’s a little uncertain of the situation.


Ever wonder what really goes on when I take Drew’s “chair” pictures? Luckily Tim was close by to catch a super quick Drew. 20130812-163626.jpg

Look who has teeth!!! Yep, two of them and plenty more on the way I think. We’ve had an up and down month with sleep. I’m convinced it must be teething related.


Drew continues to amaze us with his eating habits. This month he started table foods. Um – this child eats everything and feeds himself. Is this normal? Are all 11 month olds able to do this easily? Tonight I put Drew’s food on his tray and I ate the exact same thing (in slightly larger pieces) right next to him. It was amazing. Typcially I don’t eat dinner until after he’s down for the night but I totally enjoyed my 5:45pm dinner tonight! I can get used to this. Now, we are struggling in the whole milk department. He’s now only nursing morning and evening and not so interested in drinking cold milk in a sippy cup. We’re working on it. 20130812-163700.jpg


  • Reds game – seperate blog post coming soon!
  • Playdate at Lexie’s (Tim and I went to a baby free event! yea!)
  • Day at The Gardner School (he did awesome)


  • Feeding himself with table / finger foods
  • Crawling, army crawling that is – and he’s darn good at it.
  • Waves hi and bye-bye
  • Not really a milestone but if anyone says “Yea baby!”, Drew immediately starts clapping. Adorable.



Sick of green striped shirt pictures? 🙂 Somebody got lazy tonight. I do have tons of pictures from the last month and I’m committted to getting all caught up before the big birthday!!



e play time before bed.

Ten months!

So it is July 12th and I’m currently writing Drew’s 10 month blog post on the iPad while in the car enroute to a quickie Cincinnati trip (and yes, I’m the passenger). This will be our third consecutive weekend on the road. Though we are thoroughly enjoying our jam packed summer, it does get tricky traveling with Drew and his always-on-the-road-during-the-week-anyway Daddy. It has been a great month though with lots of firsts and lots of fun!20130716-184705.jpg


Here we go on his 10 month updates…

Health: Yessss! This is the first month since staring daycare in January that he hasn’t had a cold or some sort of virus. A healthy Drew is a happy Drew.



Sleep: More often than not Drew wakes up at least once a night. Thankfully he goes right back down. On weekends he has been taking two 90-ish minute naps which has been a nice change (versus three 45 minute naps). Daycare days, he just parties all day.


Personality: So fun! He has been super chatty and very playful. He is a little flirt too….I saw this firsthand when I picked him up one day (smiling and playing with Chloe) and in the grocery store! He totally picked up a 1-year old named Katarina. No kidding. I

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was talking to her mom for all of 15 seconds and Drew reached over to hold the little girl’s hand and giggle at her. He still has his serious side but that usually only comes out around new people or unfamiliar places (but I guess new babies doesn’t count). Oh and lately the second we leave the room he cries. Luckily that hasn’t happened when I leave him at daycare. Yet.


Eating: Oh my gosh, this child loves to eat. Everything from parsnips, spinach and broccoli to cucumber, raspberries and plums. Besides his pureed food, we’ve also been feeding him bits and pieces of table food. So far he’s had bread, turkey, chicken, cheese, apple newton, potatoes, hummus and plenty more. He is our little champion eater and we really want to keep it that way. Imagine the damage he will do once he has (more) teeth. Oh and who invented those food pouches?! That person was a genius. Maybe Drew should be the poster child?


Teeth: Nope, not yet. Edited: On the night of Drew’s 10 month birthday (7/13), the grandma’s found his first tooth! It’s barely peeking through but sure enough, it’s there. Yea!

Firsts: trip to the Nashville Zoo, beach vacation (Marco Island, FL) which include his first flight (he did awesome), his first goose egg on the forehead (while eating out on vacation), his first time swimming in the pool (he loved it) and his first ocean experience (he hated it).

Milestones: He is not crawling yet but just in the past day or two he has been getting from point A to point B pretty well. His lower body does most of the work but he eventually gets to his destination.


He also said Mama (9.5 months) for the first time. It’s music to my ears after two solid months of Dada dada dada dada dada. 🙂

Here are some pictures from our past month. Prepare for picture overload.

Drew and Luke sharing.20130712-230141.jpg

Bored of toys already?20130712-230206.jpg

Buddies watching Baby Einstein20130712-230227.jpg

First trip to the zoo






I have gobs of vacation pictures to dig through. We had such a great time. I knew vacationing with a baby would be different but it was great. We pretty much did nothing each day which is exactly what vacation should be (in my opinion of course). Thank goodness for the ocean front condo though…without that I may be singing a different tune. A separate vacation post will be coming soon.


Will we really have a 1 year old in just two months?! Each day our little monkey keeps getting more and more fun!
