Easter weekend 2016

Easter weekend started early with Drew having a sick day on Thursday so he stayed home and “worked” with me.  We both got a whole lot done (ha).  And um, yes still no furniture in our new living room.

While Drew was home, Emery enjoyed an Easter egg hunt at school.

The kids had Good Friday off so that meant a longer morning in Jammie’s with no where to get to.  I did take Emery to her 15 month well visit (at almost 16 months) and she is 74% in height and 45% for weight.

Beautiful Saturday.  We spent most of the day outside.

Ice cream on the steps after dinner.

Happy Easter!  

This picture I caption, ‘real life’.

That’s better.

After church, we went to our regular Sunday restaurant; Noshville.  The sweetest older man was letting all the kids pick a big new teddy bear out of a bag.  

My favorite.