Emery – 2 months

Our big girl is two months old!  She is growing growing growing.  Look at those chubby legs!  I just love them.  I looked back on Drew’s 2 month blog post and just had to laugh out loud.  So much of what we experienced in Drew’s second month (primarily the challenges I thought I was having with sleep, naps, as well as the pattern and progress towards sleeping through the night) has been identical to how Emery’s second month has gone.(null)

Week 1 – weight: 6lbs, 8% – height: 18.75 in., 13% – head circ.: 33.5 cm, 27%
Week 2 – weight: 6lbs 8oz, 9% – height: 19.5 in., 25% – head circ.: 34 cm, 24%
Week 6 – weight: 9lbs 5oz, 26% – height: 20.75 in., 11% – head circ.: 37.5cm, 56%


The below picture on the left is at one month and on the right at two months (9 weeks). She moved out of her newborn clothes at 6 weeks.  Drew was in his until 10 weeks!(null)Emery, this past month…


  • Wore me out nursing.  Sigh…most of the last month you ate every 2 hours during the day.  It was exhausting but in the last couple of weeks, things have improved considerably and you are finally pretty consistent on every three hours.
  • Woke up a lot in the middle of the night.  I typically would rush right to you because I did not want Drew to wake up as that would be an entirely different challenge.  Lately we’ve gotten into a groove though where you will eat and then sleep about 3.5-4 hours and then get up again 2-2.5 hours later to eat.
  • Moved to your crib around 7 weeks.  At first this didn’t go that well as you woke up a lot (see above).  The past week, I’ve reintroduced the swaddle (which I now call the magic swaddle) because it’s been working like a charm, day and night.  Just last night (2/3) you ate at 8:30pm, 1:15am and 5:00am and didn’t wake up in between.  This is a huge improvement from just one week ago.  Thank you magic swaddle.
  • Hated napping in your crib – it was a rough month in the napping department.  I have been working very hard on getting you used to napping in your bed so that you are ready for daycare but you would completely resist and typically ended up napping in the swing or in the car or while being held.  But again, major breakthrough in the past few days with the magic swaddle.  Unfortunately you can’t use a swaddle at daycare though.
  • Liked movement – being held, rocked, your swing (yep you weren’t a fan month 1 but you are on board now), car – whatever.
  • Smiled at week 5 just like your big brother did.  I was there to get Drew’s first smiles but Daddy got yours.  I was nearby with the ipad camera though (picture below).
  • Went to your first Vanderbilt basketball game at week 8.  You tolerated the first half just fine but you and I spent the second half walking the halls.


I had all kinds of other things written down (blogged) about Drew’s milestones or learnings (finding his hands, bearing weight on legs, babbling)…um yeah Emery is doing all of those things too but I have no idea when she started doing them.  I guess I’ll chalk that up to her being the second child.  Sorry Emery!  People keep asking if she is a good baby.  I often wonder what they mean by that and feel really bad for those babies that aren’t “good”.  She definitely has been going with the flow and has had to be flexible in having a big brother who gets/needs a lot of attention too.  She doesn’t have a witching hour, she doesn’t have colic…I’d prefer her to sleep a tad bit better but overall, yes, she’s a very very good baby.  Actually now that I think about it, she really only has the normal ‘I’m tired’ or ‘I’m hungry’ cry and we’ve only seen the inconsolable cry a few times (a mis-timed outing to dinner at our normal Mexican restaurant comes to mind).

(null)And now a few more pictures of our sweet girl last month….(null)Blurry ipad pictures of Emery’s first smiles(null)






I have one more month of maternity leave and although I’d love to say that she and I are enjoying it by laying around doing nothing together all day – that’s hardly been the case.  Regardless I really want to make sure I’m enjoying these next few weeks as much as possible because I’m fully aware that this is such a special time that’s quickly coming to an end.
