Emery – 4 months

Sweet baby girl is 4 months old.  


  • Week 1 – weight: 6lbs, 8% – height: 18.75 in., 13% – head circ.: 33.5 cm, 27%
  • Week 2 – weight: 6lbs 8oz, 9% – height: 19.5 in., 25% – head circ.: 34 cm, 24%
  • Week 6 – weight: 9lbs 5oz, 26% – height: 20.75 in., 11% – head circ.: 37.5cm, 56%
  • 3 months – weight: 11lbs – height: (oops, have to find this)
  • 4 months – weight: 12lbs 9oz, 17% – height: 24.25 in., 42% – head circ: 41cm, 64%


Emery, this month you….

  • Started daycare on March 2nd.  Overall you really did great.  You adjusted nicely and slept just as well there as you do at home.   Your teachers said how pleasant you were and remarked how you are never fussy.  We only had one little issue with daycare…ahem, well big issue….
  • Stopped sleeping through the night and started eating through the night because you would eat just enough from your bottles to get by at daycare.  Your sort of sleeping through the night before daycare started quickly vanished and for the past month you’ve been up 2-3 times a night starving (or so it seems). Let’s just say it’s been a long month with days and nights running together often.
  • Started to enjoy hanging out on your play mat and actually playing with objects, watching your hands, etc.
  • Continue to be a super happy baby.  You are thrilled to wake up in the morning.  It’s not fair that you wake up that peppy, almost like you’re mocking me for being um, not as peppy.
  • Have lost some of your hair and your eyes continue to darken.  You didn’t have much hair to start off with but you have less now.  Your eyes are not definitively brown yet, closer to a dark gray at the moment.
  • Really love being up on your legs!  We will definitely be getting your jumper out soon because you prefer to be upright on your feet.

  Oh what will April and month #5 bring us?  Hoping for sleep!!!